The Power of a Multidisciplinary Team

As a Sarah Cannon Cancer Network facility, our multidisciplinary team comprehensively treats complex cancers of the head and neck:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Clinical trials for patients who have not had success with prior treatments
  • Cosmetic, functional, chewing and dental rehabilitation
  • Oral and maxillofacial prosthodontics
  • Speech and swallowing therapy
  • Survivor support
  • Nutrition support
  • A weekly multidisciplinary tumor board to customize care for each patient

Our head and neck team specializes in complex head and neck cancers, cancers that were treated but didn’t go away or cancers that metastasized.

Our renowned team of specialists includes:

  • Head and neck surgical oncologists
  • Head and neck microvascular reconstructive surgeons
  • Head and neck radiation oncologist
  • Oncological dentist with expertise in oral cancer
  • Oral and maxillofacial pathologist
  • Head and neck advanced practice providers
  • Head and neck neuroradiologists
  • Speech and swallow therapists
  • Nurse navigators
  • Oncology dietitian
  • Oncology social worker
  • Other focused head and neck cancer experts, therapists and educators

Combined, we have more than 100 years of experience and have cared for more than 20,000 patients.

If you or a loved one have been told there is not much that can be done, call our team for a second opinion.

Head and Neck Specialists News


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